«Analytical Formulations in Lagrangian Dynamics: Theoretical Aspects and Applications to Interactions with Virtual and Physical Environments»

a càrrec de József Kövecses, del Departament d’Enginyeria Mecànica i del Centre for Intelligent Machines de la Universitat McGill, Montreal, Quebec, Canadà.

Dia i hora: Dimarts 6 de juliol de 2010, de 12.00 a 13.00 hores.
Lloc: Aula Capella de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, ETSEIB (avinguda Diagonal, 647, de Barcelona)

Organitza: Societat Catalana de Tecnologia i Departament d’Enginyeria Mecànica de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Presentació en vídeo (Videoteca de la UPC)


Multibody dynamics has its roots in analytical mechanics. Newton’s second law directly implies that the dynamics of a particle along any direction of physical space is specified by either giving force or motion. This notion is extended under the Lagrangian approach to the general case where a system is considered as a generalized particle in  configuration space. In this presentation, we elaborate on the principle of relaxation of constraints and some  analytical aspects that give the possibility to establish novel representations for mechanical systems. A key aspect in our approach is the replacement of the direct consideration of constraints with a two-step analysis, and moving  the “force or motion” specification to the second step. This approach makes it possible to establish a more general  view of multibody dynamics problems and address systematically non-ideal and non-perfect cases, as well as some  groups of unilateral problems. Based on the proposed approach we will discuss different possible parameterizations  of multibody dynamics, which can be advantageous for various applications (e.g., computational aspects, analysis, control). We will bring illustrative applications in analysis, design, and control from various fields of mechanical  systems such as robotics, haptics and virtual environments, biomechanics, and vehicle systems.

Sobre l’autor

József Kövecses is Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University and member of the Centre for  Intelligent Machines. His principal expertise lies in the areas of modelling, dynamics and control of mechanical  systems. He has significant research and industrial experience in these fields and their applications, particularly in  the robotics, mechanisms, space, and power industrial sectors. Kövecses has been intensively working on problems  associated with the dynamics and control of contact in mechanical systems, humanmachine systems, force- feedback devices, and analytical mechanics. He has published numerous refereed papers in leading journals and in  the proceedings of prestigious conferences. His research has been supported by federal and provincial funding  agencies such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation for  Innovation, and the Fonds Québecois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies. He has also been collaborating  with various government and industrial organizations, including the Canadian Space Agency, the  National Research Council of Canada, Quanser, Inc. in Toronto, and CMLabs Simulations, Inc. in Montreal.

Enllaços d’interès:

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Canada Foundation for Innovation
Fonds Québecois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies
Canadian Space Agency
Canadian Research Council of Canada
Quanser, Inc.
CMLabs Simulations, Inc.